Outdoor advertising: Every day people notice nearly a hundred advertisements for numerous brands outside their homes. But not all outdoor ads can grab the same attention from people and convert them into customers. Recall of the outdoor ads in a fast-moving metro city like Mumbai or Bangalore is less if it is not done in the right way. OOH, Outdoor advertising companies are considered a mass-market medium, just like radio, TV, & cinema advertising and it includes several options such as Billboards, Street furniture, Transit Advertising, Digital OOH Ads, Print Ads, etc. But which Ad format should you consider for your brand or business needs?
Billboard Hoarding advertisement is a traditional OOH format , which has seen significant growth in recent years. Roadside billboards remain the predominant form of OOH advertising in several states in India with more than 40% of revenue generation for brands. It offers a large canvas to display your ads which creates high impact campaigns that can reach huge audiences and are visible from large distances.
Street furniture format includes bus shelters, mall kiosks, telephone booth Hoarding advertisement etc. This format of advertising is mainly seen in urban areas. Millions of bus journeys happen every year & bus stop ads can reach a massive section of the population. They offer high amounts of “Dwell Time” and increases the chances of people engaging with your ads as well.
Digital OOH Advertising has proven to attract more viewer eyeballs. Motion DOOH ads capture the attention of outdoor audiences even better. They are twice as likely to be seen & are 2X more impactful than static OOH ads. It also includes stand-alone screens, display on buildings, interactive media in public places etc. DOOH has opened the door for companies to add interactive video messages outdoors.
Transport Outdoor advertising companies OOH Ads appears on & inside public transport vehicles. It includes railway platforms, auto rickshaws, buses, taxis, among others. It is an effective & popular type of outdoor advertising due to the increased exposure it offers. Since it is constantly on the move, the advert is able to reach people in a much wider catchment area.
Specs for OOH Advertising Hoarding advertisement The size of the billboards can be categorised into Small – 14’H x 48’W, Medium – 10’H x 40’W, Large – 10’6” H x 36’W (~). And there are even the spectacular sized billboards which feature large-sized Posters on the sides of buildings & construction sites. This helps especially for the entertainment industry like album releases, concerts etc. This form of OOH is striking and impossible to miss.
The colours used should be CMYK colour combination for the advertisement to catch the eye of the bypasser. The Digital OOH Ads don’t have a specific size, with cheaper availability of LCD displays, brands can use a display of their choice to play digital ads. And the Technical specifications of the digital ads generally include formats the Ads to be played in JPG/PNG/GIF/SVG.
A brand needs to analyse the TG before buying an OOH plan. To make the brand unmissable location of the campaigning plays a crucial role. For Eg: A premium smartphone Ad on a giant digital board near airports gives the brand more rewards than placing it in a residential area where the average age group is 60 years.
The Price to pay for the OOH Ad depends on several factors like location of the Ad, type of the ad, money a brand is willing to spend on the creative, season of the year a brand needs to advertise etc.
Know the TG – Advertisers should identify the TG. Without knowing about the TG, the campaigning won’t make sense. Before creating a design or marketing strategy, brands should who are their target audience? What are they interested in? What problems do they have & how can the company provide solutions?
Using fewer words – We are often on the move & don’t have a lot of time to read long texts on a billboard. Research shows the average time spent reading a billboard is about six seconds. So, try to create a good billboard ad, keep the word count between 6 to 8 words.
Don’t look for direct response – Outdoor advertising companies A brand advertising to get some response from the viewer, but an advertisement is not the place to expect a direct response. Billboard advertising agency is for an immediate & memorable message to put across so that people get back to you. Often Billboard advertising agency are covered with websites, social links & phone numbers which are neither attractive nor can the viewer take it down.
Uncluttered Ads – Hoarding advertisement Having more content is good but not for outdoor advertising. If the Billboard advertising agency is covered with an excess of information, too many products, phone numbers, addresses it doesn’t give the right response. The focus should go more on the product and the brand identity. Eg: A major watch manufacturer released 5 new watches to the market last year & launched 2 different Ad campaigns in 2 areas of the city – 1 with only 1 watch Ad & the other with all 5 watch ads in a single giant poster. The Ad with only 1 watch was more responsive than the one with 5 watches.
Established in 2015, Mplan a full-service media planning and advertising agency in India. We equip our clients with comprehensive ad inventories across both traditional and digital platforms.
By leveraging Media, Data, Technology, and Commerce, we offer advertising solutions and strategies that empower brands to “Plan Ads Better” ensuring they achieve measurable success.
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