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Importance of TG in Media Planning


Target Group in advertising is an indispensable strategy that breaks a huge market into smaller segments to concentrate on a particular group of consumers within that audience. It describes a segment of customers based on their unique attributes and focuses on serving those target audience. The better a brand understands the target market, more closely they’ll be able to focus on their ads, so they can pay only to reach the audience who are most likely to get converted into customers. In this day of “Big data”, brands have large amounts of information available that help to target specific audiences. So why should brands need to define TG before any media plan?

TG Definition Is Necessary

Knowing end goals – Based on the specific end goals, brands have to decide who is their precise target group for the campaign. Depending upon their outcome they identify the TG. For instance, A brand is trying to increase the number of car sales at a local dealership. The marketing efforts should not be targeted towards people who live 3,000 KMS away or do not have any interest in purchasing a car. Rather, the ideal target audience would be customers who are in-market for that specific vehicle model and are within a specific radius from the retail location.

Not for masses – A brands need to have a clear cut understanding of its target group and should not advertise to cater to the general masses. There are endless reachable users available, but the key is to know which ones are the best for your specific campaign. For Eg, Saffola launched refined oil ad targetting housewives in India who are concerned about their husband’s health. When it went on air, it launched with a simple observation: there are so many things you cannot control about your husband’s health, but you can control the oil in which you cook his meal.

Planning for Different mediums – A Media Planner will utilise target audience research across all available mediums, not just digital. Advertisement talking about an anti-ageing cream is targetted at people of ages 40 and above. So, analysing the age group of people specific to the medium is important for them to consume it effectively. Advertisers & brands can target this group of people & place Ads that might interest them on the precise medium instead of randomly broadcasting it everywhere.

Saves Money – Identifying exact TG before any media plan saves a brand from the surplus expense in Advertising. A popular car brand identified 80L probable car buyers in a district to place Ads of their latest SUV. But upon close consideration of TG, it turned out only 13L people were interested in buying the car of their brand & form factor (SUV). The planning & involvement of TG before buying of the media plan for the brand saved them a lot of negative expenditure and made their brand advertising campaign cost-effective. Hence, you need to refine your audience because the campaigns are run on a focused scale.


Makes a plan stronger – Identifying the TG plays a vital role in an advertiser’s overall campaign success. As the quote goes, Where focus goes energy flows if TG is defined the brand makes more innovative, effective and outcome-oriented & high-quality creatives for their product or services. Hence, TG definition formulates a healthy Advertising strategy for the brand by making the media planning stronger.

Knowing the TG, understanding their habits, which magazines or Newspapers they read, which Social Media channels they use & what makes them buy things seen on Ads. Understanding the Demographics & Psychographics of the TG reaps in extensive rewards and makes the advertising process successful.

Why Mplan?

Mplan Media is a full-service media planning & advertising agency.

Established in 2015, Mplan a full-service media planning and advertising agency in India. We equip our clients with comprehensive ad inventories across both traditional and digital platforms.

By leveraging Media, Data, Technology, and Commerce, we offer advertising solutions and strategies that empower brands to “Plan Ads Better” ensuring they achieve measurable success.